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California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD)

The California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) reduces poverty for Californians by leading the charge of effective and innovative programs for low-income individuals, families, and their communities​​.  Services provided by the CSD include: Low ​Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP), U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), and the California EITC (CalEITC)

CSD attempts to diminish destitution for Californians by driving the turn of events and coordination of compelling and imaginative projects for low-pay Californians. CSD oversees nearby network administrations and energy programs through an organization of neighborhood suppliers and territorial managers to convey administrations to low-pay families, people, and networks. The administrations and projects regulated by CSD help low‐income Californians accomplish and keep up financial security, meet their home energy needs, and decrease their utility expenses through energy productivity redesigns and admittance to clean environmentally friendly power.

California Department of Community Services and Development Online Resources

Listing Details

2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA, 95833
(916) 576-7109
csd.ca.gov -